Tuesday, June 12, 2012

28. Corn This Way (corn cakes)

Let's celebrate my 28th post with corn cakes! As much as I like pancakes with maple syrup and jam and cheesecake and sweetened condensed milk and chocolate and Mars bars, I usually prefer a savory breakfast. Now that I think about it, this explains my quickly taking to eating noodle soup, curries and brothy rice porridge for breakfast in Thailand. Lately, I've added a savory pancake to my repertoire.

I started with a basic pancake recipe and added corn kernels, cheese, bacon and green onions. You could experiment with these, using cornmeal for some of the flour, different cheeses and herbs, or even cutting out the bacon, cheese and onion and adding a little sugar for a simple, sweet pancake. 

1 fresh ear of corn
1/2 cup flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
pinch of cayenne
1 egg
1/4 cup milk
1/2 cup cheddar cheese, grated
2 strips cooked bacon, chopped
1 green onion, sliced

1. Cut kernels off ear of corn (or use about 3/4 cup frozen kernels).
2. Mix the things together, and fold in the other things.
3. Make them like pancakes.

TIP: I cooked these at medium heat until they were brown and crispy on either side but probably still gooey in the middle, then held them in a 350 degree oven while I did the dishes. By the time I was done and had fried two eggs, they were perfect. 

Makes six pancakes if you fit 'em three at a time in the pan. 

We had them with salsa and sour cream, but I don't think butter and maple syrup would be too weird on them. They weren't bad with crushed sour cream and cheddar potato chips, either:

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