Friday, March 30, 2012

11. A Quaggle* of Quiche: Kitchen Sink Quiche

What do you do when you have pie shells languishing in the freezer and way too many veggies in a fridge that threatens to be on its last leg**?
Quiche, bitches!
I hadn't made quiche in years, but it has to be one of the fastest and easiest dinners to prepare with a salad. The real draw is that it gives you an opportunity to use up veggies since just about anything tastes good cloaked in eggs, cheese and pastry.

For this standard pie shell (I used Tenderflake for ease, but homemade tastes way better), I whisked 3 eggs into a half-cup of yogurt and seasoned with salt, pepper and a handful of shredded Jarlsberg. To that I added whatever was left of my asparagus (blanched), a few sliced, sauteed mushrooms and a handful of sliced farmer's sausage. I topped it with another sprinkling of Jarlsberg and ghetto parmesan and baked at 350 until it looked done (about 30 minutes).

And since heating the oven for just one dish would have been a real shame, I quickly mixed a batch of my favourite Banana Oatmeal Bread (less sugar, more cinnamon, butter in place of shortening, chocolate chips in place of raisins) and had a mid-morning snack for the rest of the week.

I make for you. You eat it. 

*Edit: See the first Google result for what I thought was an original word:
I have to say, it's not totally inaccurate.

**Our fridge was fixed on Thursday. It was dicey there for a while. . . I thought I was going to have to throw out CHEESE!


  1. I want the oatmeal thing in my belly now. You come make it for us please?

  2. Ghetto parmesan - bwaaahhahahahahaa. And yet I know exactly what you're referring to. Rich

  3. Mami said: But but but....real men don't eat quiche! Who'd you feed it to?

    I'm proud that you're doing your bit to save the world, by wrapping up the mega-marathon of cooking before it's time for Earth Day's lights-out.

  4. Baking the banana oatmeal bread right now... thanks for the recipe and tips!
