Thursday, July 19, 2012

30. O hai (oven fries)

It has been a while! A while full of Seattle and sunning and children and reading and water and Science Worlding and aquariums and eating. And eating. And eating.

Today I wanted to pop in to tell you about a thing I tried, because I don't want to forget it. I wish I'd taken photos. See, here's the thing: French fries. They're the thing. And I hate frying, but how else to get that crispy outer shell? I've heard of a few techniques, but today I tried a simple way.

I tried to fit the potatoes on a rack, but some had to go directly onto the tray. I should have anticipated that the rack potatoes would take longer to brown, and they never really got crispy, so here's what I'd do next time:

Oven Fries

3 medium potatoes (I used yellow potatoes)
2-3 tbsp vegetable oil
1 tsp salt
seasonings (optional-I used a teaspoon of cajun seasoning)

Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Cut potatoes. Thinner sticks mean crispier fries that take less time to cook. Wedges mean... wedges! Soak in a bowl of cold water until the oven is heated, changing water until clear. Dry them REALLY well -- I used a kitchen towel. Toss with the rest of the ingredients and turn onto a baking sheet. Bake 12 minutes (depending on thinness of fries) and flip. Bake another 10 minutes or until done.



  1. Mami said: I missed this blog. Welcome back!

    You shoulda called it "oven anythings" because it is exactly the same seasonings and oven temp, if you want to cook up a big variety at same time.

    So, chunk up some carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, sweet potatoes, asparagus, squash, & whatever is in the fridge. Roast them all together, and the leftovers make sweet eating for days afterward.

    1. Thank you! And you are correctamundo. What you describe above is one of my favourite things to eat, along with maybe some bread and a wedge of goat cheese. My favourites are potatoes, mushrooms, onions, red peppers, brussels sprouts (halved) and cauliflower. Squash is also invited if it stays on its own side.

    2. Oven anythings are Geoff's favourites as well, but I had no idea you could do it with fries. Thanks Jessie!
