Sunday, February 26, 2012

3. Breaking Bread: No-Knead White Bread

There's a certain satisfaction that comes with doing things for yourself. When it comes to food, I cut myself some slack on presentation if it means the flavour is there. And when I contrasted reasons for and against baking my own bread at home, the only con I could come up with, other than the fact that the dough may not rise as well as the recipe promised, was that I'd eat more bread. More delicious, delicious bread. So here I will present to you my top five reasons to quit buying flavourless, preservative-laden crap or shelling out for bakery loaves and start making your own:

5. At $5 per artisan loaf or $1 for a bag of grocery store sawdust, you get what you pay for.

4. Customization! Last week I baked a plain white loaf, this week I'm doing rosemary and rock salt, and next week I'll be buying some healthier flours to experiment with.

3. It's not difficult or time-consuming. The loaf I linked to above isn't even kneaded; you mix, pour, wait and bake. You can even do it in five minutes a day. Speaking of baking. . .

2. Your home smells AMAZING and everyone will want to be your friend and you'll totally get chicks.

Last but not least:
1. Homemade cinnamon toast whenever you want! I rest my case.

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