Saturday, March 17, 2012

8. Brothers and Souffles: Thai Red Curry and Lemon Pudding

There will be times that I don't post much, and you can count on the reason being pure laziness. But for now, my chosen excuse is that I've been busy with work and visitors and and movie-watching. There has been some good eatin' as of late, but instead I'll tell you about a meal I made weeks ago with the rest of the tofu puffs from my noodle soup.

I love Thai curry because of the fatty coconut milk and fragrance and subtle (or not so subtle) spice. If you buy the curry paste premade (which I always do, even though I have a recipe for homemade from the cooking class I did in Chiang Mai), the meal comes together in as much time it takes to chop some veggies and, if you like, meat. Here's my tofu version (excuse the blurry photo; we were eager to eat):

On top of my usual undercooked Jasmine rice sits broccoli, gai lan (most often seen at dim sum, stir-fried with oyster sauce), soft tofu, tofu puff, grape tomatoes, onion, peanuts and cashews. The rice soaked up the sauce, which I could happily eat on its own for days. This is an easy meal, but it always tastes better than the effort you put in. I also love the sauce poured over white fish.

For dessert that night or another night, I spied this recipe on HuffPo and had to try it. Puddings and souffles are totally dope and you can make up for eating all that sugar by beating the egg whites to soft peaks manually. I actually cut the recipe in half and poured it into three ramekins, which explains why they didn't puff above the ramekin, but it was still a pretty and delicious treat, and the portions were perfect!

Try it TODAY!

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