Saturday, February 25, 2012

1. A Blog is Born

I recently moved to the big city from a comparatively tiny one, and I know Ma worries that my nutritional needs* aren't being met. Thus, a blog was born. As if there weren't enough of those, right? So what's my niche, you ask? What can I bring to the table (lol) that thousands of other food blogs haven't already accomplished? The answer is simple: poor writing, amateur cooking and painful photography skills, coupled with a gluttony unparalleled.

At the least, I hope this weblog will put my mother's mind at ease once she sees that I don't subsist solely on ramen and takeout sushi.

Hope you like it,


*I don't purport to eat health food. I believe in moderation. . . except in the following circumstances:
  • at all-you-can-eat seafood buffets in Honolulu.
  • during Arrested Development/Louie/Wonder Years marathons.
  • on my birthday.
  • whenever the thing I'm doing is really awesome, in spite of potential danger.

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