Thursday, July 19, 2012

30. O hai (oven fries)

It has been a while! A while full of Seattle and sunning and children and reading and water and Science Worlding and aquariums and eating. And eating. And eating.

Today I wanted to pop in to tell you about a thing I tried, because I don't want to forget it. I wish I'd taken photos. See, here's the thing: French fries. They're the thing. And I hate frying, but how else to get that crispy outer shell? I've heard of a few techniques, but today I tried a simple way.

I tried to fit the potatoes on a rack, but some had to go directly onto the tray. I should have anticipated that the rack potatoes would take longer to brown, and they never really got crispy, so here's what I'd do next time:

Oven Fries

3 medium potatoes (I used yellow potatoes)
2-3 tbsp vegetable oil
1 tsp salt
seasonings (optional-I used a teaspoon of cajun seasoning)

Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Cut potatoes. Thinner sticks mean crispier fries that take less time to cook. Wedges mean... wedges! Soak in a bowl of cold water until the oven is heated, changing water until clear. Dry them REALLY well -- I used a kitchen towel. Toss with the rest of the ingredients and turn onto a baking sheet. Bake 12 minutes (depending on thinness of fries) and flip. Bake another 10 minutes or until done.